Show Reading Time Estimator in Your Astro Blog

An image with the text "show reading time estimator in your astro blog"
Background image by Callum Shaw from Unsplash

If you’ve ever read a blog on Medium, you’ve probably noticed the reading time estimator (e.g., “10 min read”) displayed next to the author’s avatar. Adding a similar feature to your website is simple! In this post, I’ll show you how to implement it using Astro.


To keep this blog concise, I won’t dive deep into Astro concepts. Instead, I’ll assume you’re already familiar with:

  • Setting up an Astro project
  • Using Astro layouts


  • Install the reading-time package

    npm install reading-time
  • Create a utility function to calculate the reading time from a given text using the package

    import readingTime from 'reading-time'
    export const getReadingTime = (content: string) => {
    const { minutes, text } = readingTime(content)
    return Math.round(minutes) < 1 ? 'Less than 1 min read' : text
  • Use the utility function in your layout component

    import type { MarkdownLayoutProps } from 'astro'
    import { getReadingTime } from '../utils/readingTime'
    interface BlogProps {
    title: string
    author: string
    date: string
    type Props = MarkdownLayoutProps<BlogProps>
    const { rawContent, frontmatter } = Astro.props
    const { title, author, date } = frontmatter
    <slot />
    • rawContent refers to your blog content, usually written in Markdown, and will replace <slot /> in the generated markup


Suppose we have a Markdown blog post that utilizes the Blog layout defined earlier and will be accessible at /blog/reading-time on our website, as illustrated below:

title: Reading Time
author: Rayhan NR
date: Nov 28, 2024
layout: ../../layouts/Blog.astro
This is a dummy content estimated to take approximately 2 minutes to read

The resulting markup will look like this

<span>Rayhan NR</span>
<span>Nov 28, 2024</span>
<span>2 min read</span>
<h1>Reading Time</h1>
<p>This is a dummy content estimated to take approximately 2 minutes to read</p>

And that’s how you can add a reading time estimator to your Astro blog, enhancing the user experience by giving readers a quick idea of how long it will take to read your content.

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