Install NPM dependencies from multiple registries

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TL;DR: Add this line to your .npmrc file


By default, npm install loads all dependencies defined in package.json from the npm package registry. However, you may encounter projects that depend on packages published to a private registry.

You can configure npm install to load public dependencies from the npm package registry and private dependencies from a private registry in a single project by following the step mentioned in the TL;DR above.

Let’s say your package.json looks like this:

"dependencies": {
"@rayhannr/validator": "3.1.0",
"react": "18.3.1"

and your .npmrc is as follows:


npm install will download react from the public npm registry and @rayhannr/validator from rayhannr private registry.

If the private dependencies’ names do not start with @{scope}, you may need to update the .npmrc file as follows:


This configuration instructs npm install to load all dependencies from the private registry. Ensure that the private registry you’re pointing to acts as a proxy to the public npm registry, allowing you to download both public and private dependencies.

Note: It needs authorization to load dependencies from the private registry. Make sure to have an access token and pass it to your .npmrc file, replacing {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE}. I won’t explain the authorization process in this blog.

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